
Man your boats, leave the Whale What care we for calm or gale? Aye, tak' a drink as lang's ye can: Brandy's guid amang het ale; Heave ya ho, and away we go Heave ya ho, and away-oh! Heave ya ho, and away we go Heave ya ho, and away-oh! Wave tae yer lass: they're a' the same Mag an' Meg and Jeannie and Jane. Oh how they laugh when we hae fish, But oh how they girn when we hae nane; Heave ya ho, and away we go. Lady Twynfords lang tails Comin' doon the brae-oh She maun get a' the cream o' the milk An' we maun get the whey-oh; Heave ya ho, and away we go. What care we for wind or storm? What care we for gale-oh? Gin we maun haul a' the creel ower the side We'll drink the milk o' the Whale-oh; Heave ya ho, and away we go.
Writer(s): Davy Steele Lyrics powered by