
Apathy reigns, silent lambs lie, asleep Mentally subjugated, ceasing to be Foolish creature, bow not, never yield! Enhance perception, awaken anew Unleash creation, pursue the divine Within your own human condition Rebel, deviate, and shatter preconceptions Lawless inheritance Dysnomia rise! To confront dominance Dysnomia rise! To die on your feet or always live on your knees? Forever a pawn, an animal kept on tight leash Born to die by the hands of your own breed Enhance perception, awaken anew Unleash creation, pursue the divine Within your own human condition Rebel, deviate, and shatter preconceptions Enhance perception, awaken anew Unleash creation, pursue the divine Within your own human condition Rebel, deviate, and shatter preconceptions Lawless inheritance Dysnomia rise! Dysnomia Dysnomia rise!
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