
After the holy ghost has come upon you Ye shall receive Power Power to walk right Power Power to live right Power Power to talk right Power Power, Lord For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ For it is the power of God For it is the power of God Unto salvation Unto salvation Unto salvation Unto salvation To everyone that believeth That believeth That believeth After the holy ghost has come upon you Ye shall receive Power Power to heal the sick Power Power to raise the dead Power Power to cast out devils Power Power to lift up the hung down heads Power Power, Lord We got to have power Church, we've lost that power After the holy ghost has come upon you Ye shall receive power Where is your power God sent it down from on high For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ Power Unto salvation You got to have it Do you have that power? You got to have that power If you say you got the holy ghost you ought to have that power Do you have that power, do you have it? For it is power Where is your power? That gives you authority It is the power that heals the sick and raise the dead If you got that power why not use it? If you got that power why not use it? Where is it? Tell me All of you where is your skill, say it You say you got the holy ghost If you say you got the holy ghost then show me some sign Power, it doesn't make you act unseemly Power God said it's not by might nor by power But by my spirit sayeth the Lord After the holy ghost has come upon you Ye shall receive the power And if you say you have God You should have love Faith is a power Faith is a power, y'all All you have to do is ask Believe it and you shall receive it Lord, send it down on your people Power It's lacking in the church of today Power After the holy ghost has come upon you Ye shall receive the power After the holy ghost has come upon you Ye shall receive your power
Writer(s): Kory Davison Clarke Lyrics powered by