
Up in The Black Hills I am an intensive outpatient Without scripts, without pills November was so cold comin' down And i'm all alone Watchin' the snow fall on the pines The smell of the stoves Burnin' wood makes me miss better times And i'm readin' The Overcoat again And i feel like a clerk May be better but more likely it's worse Nothing seems to work Semis from the mill Are rollin' by with freshly-cut pine They don't stop for black ice They're leavin' the lights of this mill town behind And it's New Year's Eve There's nothing to do, there's nowhere to go So i get a pass from my counselor To go walk in the snow May be goin' in circles again But it's hard to say 'Cause my tracks keep fillin' up with snow And they fade away
Writer(s): Jackson Darren Lyrics powered by