
I don't even know why I chose this beat Heard it and said, "man this could be heat!" Living in a world that's fricken crazy I've been through a lot, but that don't faze me Have we all been desensitized To accept all the bull within our lives? Carpooling with Jesus then he took the wheel Turned to J.C. said, "what's the deal?" He said, "where you tryna go?" and I said, "bruh, Take me to a place, no color no race." He said, "why you asking for my help in the first place If I'm not even real?" Just like that, he disappeared I said, "what the- Jesus?" And grabbed the wheel Was I hallucinating? We don't know Just know I almost crashed cause he don't drive slow Why can't I be 6 again? I just want my kite back All thru the night I'd dream about how the world would be mine Turns out that was a lie The older I get The more I see I've been lied to They tell you keep it real But everything is taboo Think outside the box and get guided to the norm The ku klux klan is still selling uniforms Black lives matter, and so do white We're all human beings, so why do we fight? Sorry I forgot, we'd rather place blame Y'all can't see we're all pawns in this game? I might not have fame or be critically acclaimed But I stay living up to my middle name, T.P.I Pryceless forever, screw what they say I'm still doing me to this day No matter how stressed, depressed or unsuccessful If I'm going down, I'm going down swinging I'm always gonna rap and might start singing I'm taking a shot in the dark with my life I still don't know if it's hit or miss As of now, I'm just waiting for the swish "Irving for 3...*swish* Oh! He puts it in! Irving nails it!"
Writer(s): Trenton Irving Lyrics powered by